
Water heater repair & installation
Need a new water heater? Your older than 8 yrs?
Give us a call to change out your old water heater with a new 2015 Federal Regulated one. WEJCO Plumbing will haul away your old unit and clean up of job-site debris as well.
Are you the last one to take a shower and half way thru end up with cold water? Ask WEJCO Plumbing about the Tankless Water Heater that has an endless supply of hot water. Tankless Water Heaters revolutionize comfort, energy efficiency and convenience.
Water piping repair & installation
If water pressure drops because of corroded pipes, there's an ongoing problem with leaks or rusty water, or pipes burst under a slab foundation, it may be time to completely replace the pipes in an older house.

Troubleshooting leaks and clogs in sinks, toilets ,faucets, bathtubs, sewer pipes
A running toliet (90,000 gallons) or a dripping sink (180 gallons) can waste over one-quarter million gallons of water in a three-month period and add more than $200 to your quarterly water and sewer charges. Put this money back in your pocket by calling WEJCO Plumbing to repair your water leaks.
Repair/replace/install plumbing fixtures
Replacing your plumbing fixtures is a fairly inexpensive way to update your bathroom and kitchen. There are many finishes to choose from and many new modern features such as Blue-tooth enabled showerhead or dual-flush toliets that save water. The options are endless with modern technology.